
tisdag 28 februari 2017

SpaceX kommer att skicka en bemannad rymdfarkost till månen nästa år.

SpaceX kommer att skicka en privat, bemannad rymdfarkost  till månen nästa år.
SpaceX har anlitats för att flyga två privatpersoner på en resa runt månen i slutet av nästa år. Uppdraget är redan betalat med en betydande insättning.  SpaceX räknar med att bedriva förberedande hälso- och konditionstester , samt börja grundutbildning senare i år. . Ytterligare information kommer att släppas senare.

SpaceX to Send Privately Crewed Dragon Spacecraft Beyond the Moon Next Year.

SpaceX has been approached to fly two private citizens on a trip around the moon late next year. They have already paid a significant deposit to do a moon mission. Like the Apollo astronauts before them, these individuals will travel into space carrying the hopes and dreams of all humankind, driven by the universal human spirit of exploration. "We expect to conduct health and fitness tests, as well as begin initial training later this year". Other flight teams have also expressed strong interest and we expect more to follow. Additional information will be released about the flight teams, contingent upon their approval and confirmation of the health and fitness test results.

söndag 26 februari 2017

Att fånga upp ett rymdskepp.

ESA-astronauten Thomas Pesquet, och NASA astronauterna Shane Kimbrough och Peggy Whitson i kupolen på internationella rymdstationen använder den 16 meter långa  robotarmen för att fånga upp Space-X "Dragon" rymdskepp som är fylld med utrustning, och förnödenheter.

Videon går  20 gånger snabbare än originalinspelningen som varar 45 minuter och 30 sekunder med normal hastighet. Dragon CRS-10 flygningen påbörjades den 19 februari och fångades upp  av rymdstationen fyra dagar senare.

Capturing a dragon.

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet with NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Peggy Whitson in the Cupola observatory using the International Space Station’s 16-m robotic arm to grapple the Space-X Dragon cargo spaceship.

The video is sped up 20 times with this recording lasting 45 minutes 30 seconds at normal speed. It shows Shane and Thomas monitoring the spacecraft’s approach scanning the monitors, ready to step in if necessary. Thomas took manual control of the robotic arm and extended it to grapple the vehicle when 11 m from the Station. The Dragon CRS-10 flight was launched on 19 February 2017 and berthed with the Space Station four days later.

NASA, denna vecka.

Den 22 februari höll NASA en presskonferens  för att diskutera Spitzer Space Telescope upptäckt av sju Jord stora planeter runt en liten, relativt närliggande, dvärgstjärna . Tre av planeterna i detta system, som kallas TRAPPIST -1, är i den beboeliga zonen - området kring stjärnan i vilken flytande vatten är mest sannolikt att finna på en planet. Detta är första gången så många planeter har hittats i en enda stjärnas beboeliga zon utanför vårt solsystem, och är hittills det bästa målet för att studera atmosfärer av potentiellt beboeliga , jordstora världar. Kennedy Space Centers startplatta 39A, är tillbaka i tjänst.
 RS-25 Motortest.55-årsdagen av Friendship 7.

This Week @NASA.

NASA held a news conference Feb. 22 at the agency’s headquarters to discuss the finding by the agency’s Spitzer Space Telescope of seven Earth-sized planets around a tiny, relatively nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star. Three of the planets in this system, known as TRAPPIST-1, are in the habitable zone – the region around the star in which liquid water is most likely to thrive on a rocky planet. This is the first time so many planets have been found in a single star's habitable zone outside our solar system, and is the best target yet for studying the atmospheres of potentially habitable, Earth-sized worlds. Also, Kennedy’s Pad 39A, Back in Business, Russian Cargo Ship Arrives at Space Station, RS-25 Engine Tests Resume at Stennis, Structural Testing Begins on SLS Hardware, and 55th Anniversary of Friendship 7 Flight!

Space to Ground.

NASA: s Space to Ground är din vecko uppdatering om vad som händer ombord på den internationella rymdstationen.

Space to Ground.

NASA's Space to Ground is your weekly update on what's happening aboard the International Space Station.

torsdag 23 februari 2017

NASAs presskonferens den 22 februari.

NASA höll en presskonferens den 22 februari vid NASAs högkvarter för att diskutera Spitzer Space Teleskopets upptäckt av sju Jord stora planeter runt en liten, närliggande,dvärgstjärna . Tre av dessa planeter är i den beboeliga zonen, där flytande vatten kan finnas på en av de steniga planeterna  runt stjärnan.  
Detta är första gången så många planeter har hittats i en enda stjärnas beboeliga zon, och första gången så många jordstora planeter har hittat runt samma stjärna. Upptäckten av denna planetsystem kallas TRAPPIST -1. Detta är det bästa målet hittills för att studera atmosfärer av potentiellt beboeliga , jordstora världar i Universum.

NASA news conference Feb. 22

NASA held a news conference Feb. 22 at the agency’s headquarters to discuss the finding by the Spitzer Space Telescope of seven Earth-sized planets around a tiny, nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star. Three of these planets are in the habitable zone, the region around the star in which liquid water is most likely to thrive on a rocky planet. This is the first time so many planets have been found in a single star's habitable zone, and the first time so many Earth-sized planets have been found around the same star. The finding of this planetary system, called TRAPPIST-1, is the best target yet for studying the atmospheres of potentially habitable, Earth-sized worlds

Sentinel-2B, snart dags för uppskjutning.

Förberedelserna för den nya  jordobservations satelliten Copernicus Sentinel-2B, är klar och satelliten kommer snart att lanseras i omloppsbana av ESA: s egen bärraket Vega.  Uppskjutningen sker från Europas rymdhamn i Kourou.

Sentinel-2B kommer att spela en nyckelroll i Copernicus-programmet, världens största miljöövervakningsprogram som leds av EU-kommissionen i samarbete med ESA.

Sentinel-2B, soon to be launched.

The preparations of a new Copernicus Earth observation satellite, Sentinel-2B, are finished and the satellite will soon be carried into orbit by ESA's own lightweight launcher Vega, departing from Europe's spaceport in Kourou.

Sentinel-2B is set to play a key role in the Copernicus programme, the world’s largest environmental monitoring programme which is headed by the European Commission in partnership with ESA.

NASA & TRAPPIST -1: En guldgruva av planeter har hittats.

Sju Jord stora planeter har observerats av NASA: s Spitzer Space Telescope runt en liten, närliggande, dvärgstjärna som kallas TRAPPIST-1. Tre av dessa planeter finns i den beboeliga zonen.NASA: s rymdteleskop Spitzer mätte nedgången i ljus som varje planet passerade framför stjärnan i över 21 dagar,. Spitzer kunde identifiera totalt sju steniga världar, varav tre i den beboeliga zonen, där flytande vatten kan hittas.På videon intervjuas Sean Carey, chef för Spitzer Science Center, Caltech / IPAC; Nikole Lewis, James Webb-teleskopet projekt forskare, Space Telescope Science Institute, och Michaël Gillon, huvudforskare, TRAPPIST, University of Liege, Belgien.Systemet har avslöjats genom observationer från NASA: s Spitzer Space Telescope och markbaserade TRAPPIST  teleskopet, samt andra markbaserade observatorier. Systemet namngavs efter Trappist teleskopet som finns i Chile.

NASA & TRAPPIST-1: A Treasure Trove of Planets Found.

Seven Earth-sized planets have been observed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope around a tiny, nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1. Three of these planets are firmly in the habitable zone.

Over 21 days, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope measured the drop in light as each planet passed in front of the star. Spitzer was able to identify a total of seven rocky worlds, including three in the habitable zone, where liquid water might be found.

The video features interviews with Sean Carey, manager of the Spitzer Science Center, Caltech/IPAC; Nikole Lewis, James Webb Space Telescope project scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute; and Michaël Gillon, principal investigator, TRAPPIST, University of Liege, Belgium.

The system has been revealed through observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the ground-based TRAPPIST (TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope) telescope, as well as other ground-based observatories. The system was named for the TRAPPIST telescope.

onsdag 22 februari 2017

Nasa, denna vecka.

Den 13 februari besökte NASAs t.f administratör Robert Lightfoot Michouds monteringsfabrik i New Orleans för att inspektera skadorna från tornadon den 7 februari,han talade med anställda om pågående återuppbyggnadsarbetet vid anläggningen. Arbetet på Michoud är avgörande för att stödja produktion, provning och slutlig integration av NASAs Space Launch System raket, den största rymdraket som någonsin byggts. Även i detta avsnitt: Utvärderande av Flight Control Teknologi. Ochoa, Foale kommer att bli invald i Astronaut Hall of Fame. NASA anställda hedras med Public Achievement Award!

This Week @NASA.

NASA’s Acting Administrator Robert Lightfoot visited the agency’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Feb. 13 to view damage from the Feb. 7 tornado strike, and to speak with employees about ongoing recovery efforts at the facility. The work at Michoud is critical to supporting the production, testing and final integration of the core stage of NASA’s Space Launch System deep space rocket, the largest rocket stage ever built. Also, Flight Control Technology Evaluated, Ochoa, Foale to be Inducted into Hall of Fame, NASA Employees Honored, and Exceptional Public Achievement Award!

Nästa stora sak: genetiska data från rymdstationen.

Detta kan vara början på en ny era, med första genetiska data,  analyserat  av internationella rymdstationens astronauter som visades 2016.
Stationens chefsforskare Kirt Costello talar här om hur dessa nya resultat från rymdforskningen redan hjälper andra studier inom astronaut visions frågor, samtidigt som det hjälper utredare utveckla nya experiment som är mycket lovande för framtida resultat.

Next Big Thing: Genetic Data from Space Station.

It could be the start of a new era, with the first data on genetic analysis of International Space Station astronauts published in 2016. Station Deputy Chief Scientist Kirt Costello talks about how these new results from space research are already helping other studies into astronaut vision issues while helping investigators develop new experiments that hold great promise for future results.

måndag 20 februari 2017

NASA höll genomgång efter lanseringen av SpaceX CRS 10.

Genomgång den 19 februari vid NASA: s Kennedy Space Center i Florida, tjänstemän från NASA och SpaceX diskuterade CRS 10 status.  Detta efter en lyckad uppskjutning.

NASA Holds Post-Launch Briefing to Discuss Status of SpaceX Mission to the ISS,

During a post-launch briefing on Feb. 19 at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, officials from NASA and SpaceX discussed the status of the company’s 10th Commercial Resupply Services mission to the International Space Station. Several hours before the briefing, SpaceX launched a Dragon cargo spacecraft to the station carrying almost 5,500 pounds of scientific research and other supplies, for the crew aboard the station.

söndag 19 februari 2017

SpaceX lanserar tionde frakt uppdraget till Internationella rymdstationen.

Den19 februari lanserade SpaceX nästan 2500 kilo vetenskaplig utrustning och andra förnödenheter på en dragon  rymdfarkost till den internationella rymdstationen . Dragon lanseras på toppen av en Falcon 9 raket från historiska startplattan 39A på Kennedy Space Center. Detta var den första kommersiella lanseringen från Kennedy, och belyser övergången till att stödja både statlig och kommersiell rymdverksamhet.

SpaceX Launches Tenth Cargo Mission to the International Space Station.

On Feb. 19, SpaceX launched almost 5,500 pounds of scientific research and other supplies on a Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station. The Dragon launched on top of the company’s Falcon 9 rocket from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, where Apollo and Shuttle missions flew. This was the first commercial launch from Kennedy, and highlights the center’s transition to providing support for both government and commercial aerospace activities.

CRX 10

We have att liftoff

T-minus 5 minutes

SpaceX gör sin första start från historiska startplattan 39A i dag. Du kan titta på uppskjutningen live här klockan 15.00.

Denna launch var ett av skälen till att vi åkte till USA. Skulle skickas iväg 11 november 2016. Framflyttades till 18 februari 2017.Surt.
Jag vid startplatta 39A

Se uppskjutningen live här:

SpaceX to Make Its 1st Launch from Historic Pad 39 a Today. You can watch the SpaceX launch live here. Live webcast coverage will begin at 8:30 a.m.Launch, no earlier than 09.39

This was one of the reasons i went to the US, in November, 2016. Delayed from Nov. 11.
Me at Launch pad 39A
Live webcast coverage will begin at 8:30 a.m.Launch, no earlier than 09.39 a.m.

ESA Euronews: Upptäck Plutos isiga mysterier.

Pluto visar sig vara långt mer konstig än vad vi någon någonsin väntat oss, med alla typer av oförklarliga fenomen på ytan. Här kontaktar vi några av Europas bästa is planet experter för att ta reda på mer. Pluto har varit ett mysterium sedan den upptäcktes 1930, först klassades den som planet. 2006  klassades Pluto som en dvärgplanet. Ju mer vi lär, desto mer fångas fantasin hos vetenskapsmän som Elliot Sefton-Nash (ESA)

ESA Euronews: Uncovering the icy mysteries of Pluto,

Pluto turns out to be far more weird than anyone ever expected, with all kinds of unexplained phenomena on the surface.We sought out some of Europe’s finest ice planet experts to find out more:Pluto has been a mystery since it was discovered in 1930. First called a planet, then re-classified as a dwarf planet in 2006, the more we learn, the more it captures the imagination of scientists like ESA’s Elliot Sefton-Nash.

lördag 18 februari 2017

Uppskjutning framflyttad 24 timmar.

Scrubbed for 24 hours.

T-minus 10 minutes

SpaceX gör i dag sin första start från historiska startplattan 39A i dag. Du kan titta på uppskjutningen live här klockan 15.00.

Denna launch var ett av skälen till att vi åkte till USA. Skulle skickas iväg 11 november 2016. Framflyttades till 18 februari 2017.Surt.
Jag vid startplatta 39A

Se uppskjutningen live här:

SpaceX to Make Its 1st Launch from Historic Pad 39 a Today. You can watch the SpaceX launch live here. Live webcast coverage will begin at 8:30 a.m.Launch, no earlier than 09.39 a.m.

This was one of the reasons i went to the US, in November, 2016. Delayed from Nov. 11.
Me at Launch pad 39A
Live webcast coverage will begin at 8:30 a.m.Launch, no earlier than 09.39 a.m.

Space To Ground.Flygande robotar i rymden.

NASA: s Space To Ground är en vecko uppdatering om vad som händer ombord på den internationella rymdstationen.

Space to Ground: Flying Robots in Space.

NASA's Space to Ground is your weekly update on what's happening aboard the International Space Station.

NASA höll informationsmöte framför historiska startplattan 39A vid Kennedy Space Center den 17/2.

Den 17 februari, hölls ett informationsmöte framför historiska startplattan 39A på Kennedy Space Center i Florida. Den SpaceX  rymdskepp Dragon kommer att lyfta,ovanpå en Falcon 9 raket, tidigast 13.30, lördag, 18 februari från den historiska startplattan 39A . Det kommer att bli den första lanseringen från startplatta 39A sedan sista rymdfärjans uppdrag i juli 2011. Det kommer också att bli den första kommersiella lanseringen på Kennedy Space Center.  Dragon kommer att leverera nästan 2500 kg experiment material, hårdvara och tillbehör till rymdstationen .
Jag, vid startplattan 39A på Kennedy Space Center i Florida.

NASA Holds Pre-launch Briefing at Historic Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center

On Feb. 17, NASA held a briefing in front of SpaceX’s Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft will lift off on top of the company's Falcon 9 rocket, no earlier than 10:01 a.m. EST Saturday, Feb. 18 from the historic pad. It will be the first launch from pad 39A since the last space shuttle mission in July 2011. It will also be the first commercial launch from Kennedy and highlights the center’s transition to a multi-user spaceport, supporting government and commercial aerospace activities. The Dragon will deliver almost 5,500 pounds of experiments, hardware and supplies to the space station.
Me at Launchpad 39A

onsdag 15 februari 2017

Vintage Space with Amy. Would NASA Tell Us About Alien Contact?

Michael Foale 2017 U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame Inductee

Ellen Ochoa 2017 U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame Inductee.

Raven is Heading to the International Space Station.

A technology module known as Raven will launch aboard SpaceX 10 to the International Space Station, bringing NASA one step closer to an autopilot capability. Raven will test foundational technologies that will enable autonomous rendezvous in space, meaning they will not necessitate any human involvement. This technology, when matured, will provide autonomous rendezvous capability for future missions. The future of autonomous navigation capability is getting closer to being a reality.

Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Stuart Snodgrass
Music Credits: Killer Tracks Library: Unveiling Courage Main Track

SPAC3: A long journey begins.

A glimpse of the Spac3 project with ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli and Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Stay tuned:

söndag 12 februari 2017

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory: Year 7

The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has now captured nearly seven years worth of ultra-high resolution solar footage. This time lapse shows that full run from two of SDO's instruments. The large orange sun is visible light captured by HMI. The smaller golden sun is extreme ultraviolet light from AIA and reveals some of the suns atmosphere, the corona. Both appear at one frame every 12 hours. SDO's nearly unbroken run is now long enough to watch the rise and fall of the current solar cycle. The graph of solar activity shows the sunspot number, a measurement based on the number of individual spots and the number of sunspot groups. In this case, the line represents a smoothed 26-day average to more clearly show the overall trend. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Scott Wiessinger Music: "Web of Intrigue" from Killer Tracks

The Search for Life

Are we alone in the universe? This is a fundamental question that intrigues us all. On September 21, 2016, NASA scientists and stakeholders came together at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum for a presentation on the agency’s search for life beyond Earth. “The Search for Life” featured presentations from some of NASA’s leading scientists, including the late former astronaut, Dr. Piers Sellers. Through compelling visualizations, “The Search for Life” takes you on a journey through the solar system and beyond, exploring the possibility of life existing on Mars, the solar system’s outer moons, and exoplanets. Keynote speakers include: · John P. Holdren, assistant to the president for science and technology, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and co-chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; · Gavin A. Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and principal investigator for the GISS ModelE Earth System Model; · Jen Eigenbrode, research astrobiologist in the Goddard Planetary Environments Laboratory; · Aki Roberge, research astrophysicist in the Goddard Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory; and · Piers Sellers, deputy director of the Goddard Sciences and Exploration Directorate. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Swarupa Nune

Everything About Mission Control Houston

Houston, we have a problem – there are too many questions about Mission Control. Luckily, Flight Director Mary Lawrence is here to answer as many as she can before her shift starts. Listen as she and her fellow flight controllers answer everything about Mission Control Houston: what time does it close, how many acronyms do you have to learn, is there a phone number for the space station, and many many more. All of the flight controllers on screen are real Houston flight controllers and controllers in training.

The Earth

Can’t get enough of Earth? Then this is for you: an extended playback of Ultra High Definition views of Planet Earth, captured by NASA astronaut Jeff Williams during his mission on the International Space Station in 2016. You’ll see the French Riviera and the Sahara Desert, cross North America from Texas all the way to Canada, and more—this is your source for the view of your home planet from 250 miles up!

lördag 11 februari 2017

Searching for Earth’s Trojan Asteroids

Trojan asteroids are common at the L4 and L5 Lagrange points of other planets, leading or following the planet in its orbit. But detecting our own Trojan asteroids from Earth is difficult since they appear close to the sun from our perspective. In mid-February 2017, NASA's OSIRS-REx mission will search for these elusive objects when the spacecraft passes by Earth's L4 Lagrange point, en route to asteroid Bennu in 2018. Jim Green, the Director of Planetary Science at NASA, discusses OSIRIS-REx and its search for Earth's Trojan asteroids.

Jenny On Console. Good luck, and Go for it :)

The Sun's So Bright, It's Spinning Slower

Scientists have known that the outside of the sun spins slower than the inside for a while now, but they didn't know why until recently.