
fredag 30 december 2016

Join The Planetary Society. IT´S EASY. 

The Planetary Post with Robert Picardo.

Robert Picardo takes a look back at some of the space science highlights of 2016.

NASA Goddard’s 2016 Mixtape.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, is home to the nation's largest organization of scientists, engineers and technologists who build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study Earth, the sun, our solar system and the universe.

NASA Goddard's rewind is just a small sampling of the center's highlights and memorable moments. We hope you enjoy looking back over a memorable year of observations, discoveries and milestones!

Jeff’s Earth - 4K

The first time you see Planet Earth from space, it’s stunning; when you’ve spent 534 days in space—more than any other American—it still is! On his most recent trip the International Space Station NASA astronaut Jeff Williams used an Ultra High Definition video camera that he pointed at the planet 250 miles below; here he shares some of those images, and talks about the beauty of the planet, the variety of things to see, and the value of sharing that perspective with everyone who can’t go to orbit in person.

måndag 26 december 2016

What happens to NASA in Trump's America?

Donald Trump Rally in Sanford, Florida (10/25/2016)

The space program came up at the end of an almost hour-long speech in Florida october 25. 
"My plan also includes major investments in space exploration, also right here in Florida.  You know what we call this place.
"Over the last 8 years, the Obama-Clinton administration has undermined our space program tremendously. That will change. So many good things come out of it, including great jobs. That will change very quickly under a Trump administration and it'll change before it’s too late.
"Did you ever see what’s going on with space, with Russia and different places?  And us?  We’re, like, we’re like watching.   Isn’t that nice? So much is learned from that, too.
"A cornerstone of my policy is we will substantially expand public private partnerships to maximize the amount of investment and funding that is available for space exploration and development.  This means launching and operating major space assets, right here, that employ thousands and spur innovation and fuel economic growth.
"I will free NASA from the restriction of serving primarily as a logistics agency for low earth orbit activity.  Big deal.
"Instead we will refocus its mission on space exploration. Under a Trump administration, Florida and America will lead the way into the stars.  With a victory in November, everything will change.  Just think about what we can accomplish in 100 days."

Earth from Space: China’s Tian Shan mountains.

Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. Take a tour with Sentinel-2 to the Tian Shan mountains in China

Can Science Determine When Jesus Was Actually Born?

What was the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ and was it really shining on Jesus’ birthday? Astronomers offer some theories.

söndag 25 december 2016

What Happened to the Juno Spacecraft?

NASA| Moon Phases 2017 – Southern Hemisphere.

This 4K visualization shows the Moon's phase and libration at hourly intervals throughout 2017, as viewed from the southern hemisphere. Each frame represents one hour. In addition, this visualization shows the Moon's orbit position, sub-Earth and subsolar points, distance from the Earth at true scale, and labels of craters near the terminator. Production music provided by Killer Tracks.
My grandchild Leo in spacesuit.

NASA| Moon Phases 2017 – Northern Hemisphere.

This 4K visualization shows the Moon's phase and libration at hourly intervals throughout 2017, as viewed from the northern hemisphere. Each frame represents one hour. In addition, this visualization shows the Moon's orbit position, sub-Earth and subsolar points, distance from the Earth at true scale, and labels of craters near the terminator. Production music provided by Killer Tracks.

Mickes Space News.

Har skickat in en artikel om besöket vid meteor kratern i Arizona till tidningen Populär Astronomi.
Håll tummarna att den blir publicerad :)
Sent an article about the visit at the meteor crater in Arizona to the magazine Popular Astronomy.Keep your fingers crossed that it will be published :)

måndag 19 december 2016

NASA's Dawn Spacecraft: Flight Over Occator Crater on Dwarf Planet Ceres.

This video shows the intriguing Occator Crater on Ceres, home to the dwarf planet's brightest area. It may have been produced by upwelling of salt-rich liquids after the impact that formed the crater. The animated flyover includes topographic and enhanced-color views of the crater, highlighting the central dome feature. The animation was produced by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Original music by Stefan Elgner, DLR.

Top 16 Earth Images of 2016.

söndag 18 december 2016

AstronomyLectures. Dr. Stephen Kane (San Francisco State University)

Dr. Stephen Kane (San Francisco State University)
Over 1500 new planetary systems have been discovered, many of which include planets quite different from those in our own Solar System. A key step towards finding “Earth 2.0” will be to identify rocky planets that occupy the “Habitable Zone” of their stars. Dr. Kane describes what the idea of a Habitable Zone means and shows examples of planets that lie in their star’s Habitable Zone (even if the star is not like our Sun.)

ExoMars first year in orbit,

An overview animation of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter’s expected path around Mars between October 2016 and December 2017.

The spacecraft entered orbit on 19 October 2016, on a highly elliptical path that took it between about 250 km and 98 000 km from the planet in about 4.2 days.

The main science mission is intended to take place from a near-circular 400 km orbit, starting in early 2018. The spacecraft will achieve this orbit by aerobraking – using the planet’s atmosphere to slow down gradually.First, on 19 January 2017, the angle of the orbit will be changed to 74º with respect to the equator, so that science observations can cover most of the planet.

Next, to get into an aerobraking orbit, the craft will fire its thrusters in early February to reach 200 x 33 475 km, which will also reduce its orbital period to 24 hours.

Aerobraking is planned to begin on 15 March, with a series of seven manoeuvres – about one every three days – that will steadily lower the craft’s altitude at its point of closest approach, from 200 km to about 114 km. Then the atmosphere will take over, gradually reducing the most distant part of the orbit.

Final manoeuvres are expected at the end of 2017 to circularise the orbit at an altitude of about 400 km, whereupon the science mission can begin.

The animation is based on data available as of end-2016, but the actual timing of the various manoeuvres may be subject to change as operational plans develop during 2017.

More about ExoMars:

lördag 17 december 2016

Interesting meetings. Charlie Duke.

Met Charlie Duke at Kennedy Space Center November 13, 2016.
Difficult to describe the event. I hope the film reflects my gratitude.

ScienceCasts: The Power of Light.

A new NASA study is investigating how different light spectra can be used to effect astronauts' sleep, or lack of sleep.

The Air On Mars Has A Mysterious Glow. Here's Why.

New ultraviolet images from NASA show that Mars' atmosphere lights up at night! What is a nightglow and what causes it?

Public Viewing Held for Late, Former NASA Astronaut and U.S. Senator, John Glenn.

On Dec. 16, a public viewing took place at the Ohio Statehouse for late, former NASA astronaut and U.S. Senator John Glenn, whose body laid in repose under a United States Marine honor guard, in the Rotunda of the Statehouse. Glenn died Dec. 8 at the age of 95. He served four terms as a U.S. senator from Ohio and was one of NASA's original seven Mercury astronauts. His flight on Friendship 7 on Feb. 20, 1962, showed the world that America was a serious contender in the space race with the Soviet Union. It also made Glenn the first American to orbit Earth. A dignified transfer with full honors procession is planned for Dec. 17. A platoon of 40 U.S. Marines will escort Glenn’s body from the Statehouse to Mershon Auditorium at The Ohio State University, where the university will host a public celebration of Glenn’s life. The service is scheduled to take place from 2 to 3 p.m. EST.

fredag 16 december 2016

Live your dream ! Lev din dröm !

ExoMars - A promising future .

This Year @NASA.

2016 marked record-breaking progress in NASA’s exploration objectives. The agency advanced the capabilities needed to travel farther into the solar system while increasing observations of our home and the universe, learning more about how to continuously live and work in space and, of course, inspiring the next generation of leaders to take up our Journey to Mars and make their own discoveries.

Space to Ground.

NASA's Space to Ground is your weekly update on what's happening aboard the International Space Station.

lördag 10 december 2016